Why do we have to conserve water?

Isn’t water renewable?

water worldwaterday conservation

As kids, we learned the three states of water: liquid (rain), gas (steam) and solid (ice), and we also learned the four main stages of water: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and runoff. We know that, for the most part, water is a renewable resource. After it rains or snows, water eventually evaporates and returns to the gaseous state in the form of clouds and falls to the Earth as rain or snow, starting the cycle all over again. However, there are areas of the world where water is either not replenished or takes a very long time to renew. This is seen more and more around the planet and that is why we need to conserve water. Certain aquifers, rivers and lakes are being overexploited and this causes a dangerous imbalance.

Can we run out of water?

Of all the water on Earth, we can only use about 3% of it at any given time because the rest of the water is either salt water, frozen, in the soil, in the atmosphere, or too polluted. Even though that 3% renews quickly enough for us to use, we as a growing global population often waste and/or pollute it, causing delays in the natural cycle. This is why sustainability is important. If we use more water than can be renewed, eventually we will have water shortages. Some parts of the planet already suffer from lack of clean drinking water. Sadly, these shortages impact all of us.

What can we do?

5 simple tips for conserving water (and saving money) are:

  • Fix leaky pipes, faucets or toilets
  • Avoid small loads in the dishwasher or washing machine
  • Install a rain barrell for outdoor water use
  • Make sure sprinklers are pointed at the yard, not the sidewalk or driveway
  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth

Benefits for us

Besides minimizing the risk of future droughts, conserving water saves money, protects our environment, strengthens communities, ensures we have water for living and enjoying life, ensures the survival of other animals, and minimizes pollution and political conflict, among others.

It takes all of us to accomplish our conservation goals, and every little bit helps. Even small changes make a difference. March 22 is World Water Day and we at StemFoods Holistics are joining in the celebration the entire month of March. We encourage everyone to take part of World Water Day by creating habits that conserve water.

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