What is rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

How StemVLife and StemImmune can help

arthritis RA joints antioxidants anti-inflamatory

Rheumatoid arthritis, also called RA, is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that causes painful swelling, redness and erosion of the joints. Because it is an autoimmune condition, the body mistakenly attacks itself, specifically the joint tissues. The disease can attack one joint or several. RA is different from osteoarthritis in that osteoarthritis is a result of wear and tear, whereas RA affects the lining of the joints causing painful swelling that can lead to deformity of the joints and erosion of the bones.

StemVLife and StemImmune can help

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients are key to bringing relief to swollen joints, and StemVLife and StemImmune are rich in both antioxidants AND anti-inflammatory ingredients. A healthy diet is also important, such as reducing or eliminating meats, dairy and processed foods. All supplements from StemFoods Holistics provide superfood extracts and organic ingredients not found in the everyday diet. Supplementing with the right dietary supplements like StemVLife and StemImmune can make a big difference in symptom relief.

StemVLife has ingredients that help release the body’s own stem cells from bone marrow into the bloodstream, strengthen metabolism and energy levels, help support telomere health, and help supports the body's healing and rejuvenation processes. StemVLife has the power of organic raw cacao, organic moringa leaf, acai berry to help with inflammation. Other anti-inflammatory ingredients are: grape, green tea leaf, and pomegranate. Visit this page for a complete list of ingredients in StemVLife

StemImmune is an immune system support and antioxidant booster. One of the most powerful ingredients in StemImmune is organic amla berry. Amla’s stabilizing and protective nature is used to help prevent and treat damage associated with connective tissue disorders and autoimmune-based conditions.

The ingredients in StemImmune are naturally anti-inflammatory, such as cloves, sumac bran flower, cinammon, sorghum seed, oregano and turmeric. Additionally, StemImmune contains vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. The vitamin K2 helps the body better absorb the vitamin D3. Our vitamin D3 is sourced from algae lichen, which is a cleaner vitamin D3 than vitamin D3 that comes from animal sources.

Foods that make RA symptoms worse

The standard American diet (also called SAD for its initials) is full of meats, dairy and processed foods, the main three guilty food groups that contribute to flare ups of RA. That is why it is important to supplement with StemFoods supplements, especially StemVLife and StemImmune, which provide an array of powerful superfoods. Nothing gives us more joy than hearing our customers tell us about how our supplements have helped them relieve and even eliminate painful symptoms from rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions.

*This website and these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a properly trained and licensed medical practitioner for medical advice. Individual results may vary. Allergen warning: If you suffer from any allergies, please study product labels carefully before consuming.