Happy World Water Day!

The world works together towards water solutions

world water day conservation earth

As different campaigns have helped raise awareness for water conservation throughout the years, the world has successfully adopted different measures that have translated into great achievements. Let’s take a quick look at some of those accomplishments:

  • The United Kingdom uses Smart Water Metering Technology which helps citizens monitor their water usage, giving them such details as where the water is being used and if they have any leaks.
  • Singapore has overcome a water crisis happening just 50 years ago. They collect and treat rainwater for drinking. The country has also created the NEWater Project which recycles used water to turn it into ultra-clean, high-grade reclaimed drinking water, meeting about 30% of the country’s potable water demand. It is estimated that by 2060 NEWater will meet 55% of the demand.
  • Tanzania, a country which has suffered water crises for decades, has seen an increase in water conservation because of numerous awareness campaigns. The government’s education efforts have resulted in a population that is mindful of conserving one of their most important resources.
  • In the United States, the Department of Defense has used innovative methods and initiatives to reduce water consumption. Alternative water sourcing and sustainable landscaping are just two of the practices the DoD has established to conserve water.

All 50 states are regularly evaluated in their water conservancy practices, with California and Texas receiving the two highest scores in the latest 2017 scorecard published by the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) and the Environmental Law Institute (ELI)

As we celebrate World Water Day, let’s remember that every effort—big or small—has a positive impact on conservancy. It is through education and awareness that we will reduce the planet’s water vulnerability. Even a small effort can become a widespread campaign that results in tangible and measurable solutions.

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